I Want to Give New Freelance Writers an AWSOME IDEA!!! INVEST IN YOURSELF FIRST!

Greg Lockhart
4 min readAug 6, 2022
Invest in yourself and you will always get an awesome ROI!

I am a very fortunate man. I have been witness to some amazing things in my life.

The completely awesome evolution of the Space Race, then and now.

I watched Neil Armstrong take the first steps on a heavenly body that was not the earth, the Space Shuttle be developed, tested, launched, and landed, and now the same guy that developed PayPal is autonomously landing used up booster rockets to be refueled and reused?

We used to leave those in orbit like tossing a soda can!

The completely awesome evolution of personal computers, cell phones, electric vehicles, UAVs (drones), and GPS is now commonplace. The first place I saw any of that was in sci-fi movies and weekly episodes of Star Trek!

Then, something better than ‘all the above’ was witnessed to me…I watched my one and only child come into this world! That trumps everything! Unless you are a parent you cannot and will not understand!

I do not for the life of me understand why a freelance writer today would have anything close to ‘writer’s block!’

Just because I have 30 to 35 years of more ‘life experience’ than most freelancers…..I heard that! Who said, “OLD?”

I like, ‘experienced’, ‘weathered’, and my daughter refers to me as ‘bitterly-seasoned’…that’s my favorite. OLD? ME? NAH!

Attention All Newbie Freelance Writers…I HAVE SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU!

I have an opportunity for you to get ahead of the learning curve!

Do you want to succeed right out of the box with your freelance writing career/business?

Would you like to tell all of those people that said you would never sell any of your writing to hop on one of Elon’s reusable boosters and take a ride?


So, here’s how.

One thing I failed to mention was seeing the evolution, the need, and then the DEMAND for freelance writers grow from simple journalists trying to sell news stories to what it has morphed into today.

If you were to match every new website with its very own freelance writer, that would be about 600,000 new writing gigs every day! EVERY DAY!

But, that is in a perfect world. Out of those 600,000, maybe 2% make it and turn into something. (have you seen the NOTHING into SOMETHING ads on TV for Fiverr?)

But, that does not mean you cannot be successful and make money selling your writing online!

When I decided to go online/freelance…boy was I shocked!

It took me almost 5 years to get where I am. Am I satisfied? Hell no. I bitch about money every day…but I also write something every day. “You cannot sell what you have not written”, that was the best and only newbie advice I got.

So, about a year ago, I began building.

I Have Built and I am Now Marketing, The Freelance Writers Toolkit!

It’s really simple. To be successful, you need a good set of tools. Ask a mechanic. Ask a carpenter. Ask Elon.(I have been accused of having an ‘Elon’ man-crush…relax, all heterosexual here)

A year ago I started looking at the stuff available for a new freelance writer. Immediately, I thought PODCAST! After 3 or 4 episodes I thought HORSESHIT!

Nobody wants to sit and listen to how somebody else did it. Did you find any joy in listening to your parents or gain any insights? NEITHER DID I!

If you live long enough (and my hope and prayer are that you do!)like this ‘bitterly-seasoned’ successful freelance writer, you will eventually have an AH HA moment and realize everything you need to pass along to someone else to be successful is RIGHT THE FUK UNDER YOUR NOSE!

Every website, blog, and content mill that I have ever ‘ghostwritten’ for has left the evidence on one of my multiple hard drives! All of that ‘digital treasure’ has now been evaluated, added to, made better, and I want to sell it to YOU!


Took what I had

Evaluated it

Added to it

Made it better, and now I want to;

Sell it!

See what I did there…it’s my TEAMS that I have built for every new freelance writer to be successful!

MY TEAMS are your tools!

My ebook I call the Freelance Writers PlayBook, and

Pitching your article ideas TEMPLATE!,

Following up your pitch TEMPLATES,

Invoicing TEMPLATES,



Budgeting and expense TEMPLATES


It’s the stuff I wish I had when I was starting my freelancing business!

What’s it worth? Well, this is where I want you to INVEST IN YOURSELF!

A year from you will be emailing me and telling me that was the best $10 you ever spent!

I really only want to cover what expenses I have incurred creating this for you.

PLUS….I want to send you my Freelancers News Letter every month!

To give you updates to the toolkit, new and improved freelance writing business tips, tricks, hacks, and anything it takes to market your written words into extravagant things like food, rent, utilities, and whatever it takes for you to be a successful freelancer and make as much money as you want!


Now, go tear a new asshole in the freelancing world! You now have two things…the right tools and my blessing!



Greg Lockhart

I use my Freelancers Toolkit and the TEAMS method to build awesome Feelance Writers for your business or idea!